Monday, October 7, 2013

Miracles are occuring right in front of me!! I just have to put the effort in talking to people, and they seem to unfold!

On our way to Zone Conference!

September 30, 2013

THANK YOU for everything Family and Friends!!!
It´s so good to hear from everybody, I spent the last 30 minutes getting all the e-mails ready to print!! It doesn´t feel like I´ve been out here for 2 months! It feels like I just got here. This last week was really weird! Yesterday, Hermana Johnson and I were talking about when we met this woman, and we thought it had been over a week... but we really just met her on Wednesday! I´ll tell you a little more about it in a minute! Oh crazy thing... Hermana Johnson´s cousins are Mckale and Alyssa from San Juan! I told her I have played like 4 sports with Mckale and she´s going to write home and ask if she knows who I am! It´s crazy how small the world is! To answer a few other questions you have, no my mission doesn´t use facebook.. at least not yet! I wonder if they´ll start soon.
Thank you for whatever you said to get people to e-mail me! (: It made my day! (: Oh you asked if I was Hermana Johnson´s first ´greenie´... She has been out six months, and I am her THIRD greenie.. I don´t think I talk about how great she is! She´s an incredible missionary, and I am so so so blessed to have her as my trainer. She´s seriously so patient with me and my spanish. We get along so great, and we´re great friends and will be for the rest of our lives! (: My district from the MTC had 5 girls including me, and 4 of us are in Málaga mission. 1 of the boys is in Málaga and he is in my Zone so I saw him this week!! I don´t think I will be able to visit the temple, it´s a bummer, but I´m glad I had the opportunity to go there 3 or 4 times!
 (:  Thank you for the birthday wishes!! I cannot believe I´m going to be 20!! It´s weird to think about! OH yeah.. something super important that I´ve forgotten to tell you!! I´m apologizing in advance because of the confusion!! We were only living without electricity the first night! We were without hot water for a week and we got a fridge the 2nd day.  I can´t remember which day it was, but we met a man from Germany. He was so funny - he knew English, Spanish, and German and he compared it to Gazpacho (look it up) He said ´´I have gazpacho in ze head´´
I´ll tell a little bit about the week!!
Last Monday -
We went to see Crisitani.. She´s a less-active that we care about so much! But she has to be the one to decide to put her faith in the Lord.
We had FHE with Galicia and Gabriel again... Gabriel likes to laugh at my Spanish of course!! But it was good!! Galicia shared a good lesson about Everyone being a child of God - no matter where they´re from or who they are!
Tuesday -
We received our first reference from Church Headquarters today. A woman in a pueblo called Valverde del Camino - ordered a Book of Mormon and a Faith movie. We called her and told her we would like to come bring it to her. She said, ´´I live so far away, I figured they would just mail it.´´ She seemed very nice and interested! We planned to teach her tomorrow. We also taught Samuel again today, and after the lesson we asked Matthew (his dad) If he was alright, he said he didn´t want to talk about it today.
Wednesday -
We went to the pueblo today and we didn´t really know how to get to her house. After wandering around, we called her and she said I saw you pass by, look for me, I´m out on my balcony. We went to see her and she told us about her family. She is from Los Andes, Chile - she has 2 children and a husband. She is actually a member and we didn´t know that... she´s the only member in her family. We asked her to give the opening prayer and before she started she began to tear up. She told us that she had a dream about SISTER missionaries coming to visit her. After her dream was when she decided she should start going back to church. That was when she ordered the BOM - she said ´´When i looked out my balcony and saw you two walking, it was just like it was in my dream´´  Oh i get cold chills just writing it! It was such a miracle, especially since WE (the Hermanas) were the ones who received the reference and not the elders. It was so amazing witnessing a miracle! We´re planning on visiting with her family this next Wednesday! We´re excited to meet them and hopefully they will become investigators!! We had to stop visiting Samuel for a while, because Matthew is not very happy with us. We are so sad about not being able to teach this boy who is wanting to be baptized. It´s quite sad ):
Thursday -
We have some AMAZING women in this ward. They have gone through so much - and yet still such strong women! I can´t believe the examples I have here. We talked with Rosa Marie today at lunch. She told us about things that have happened with her and I could not believe the strength she has! It´s incredible!
Friday -
We had zone conference today! It was great to see the missionaries again!! (: Abby isn´t in my zone /: but I should get to see her this next Friday!! President spoke to us about nothing being impossible with the Lord! He also put emphasis on finding more people to teach. This hit me hard, and this week - Hermana Johnson and I have been working so much harder to find and talk to people in the street!!
Saturday -
We played sports again and it was a lot of fun! Prince came and was so funny (like always) He is such a sweet guy!! We met with a nice couple tonight. Pepe and Manoli - they were old investigators and they haven´t been taught for years! We hope they will want to continue to learn!
Sunday -
I played the piano, and did awful ): I hope I can improve for sure... We met with an old investigator today - her name is Yaneth. She is such a sweetheart and really has a desire to come to church, but last time she came she heard gossip ): It´s so so so important for members to be good examples. I´ve never realized it before, but those investigators are watching ALL the time! They need to feel loved even if it means going out of your way to talk to them!

That was my week!! I love you all so much! I hope you are all doing great! Thanks again for the birthday wishes! I love you lots!! (;

Hermana Brown

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