Wednesday, July 23, 2014

This is what it´s all about. Working hard and having fun and doing the will of the Lord.

We had a Wonderful Trip to Ronda! 

July 21, 2014
(: All of you! I love you so much! Thank you for the pictures and the love. It makes me happy to know that not everyone has forgotten about me haha just kidding, it´s okay!

(We sent Hermana Brown 20 pictures of her family members, YW from our ward, our Bishopric and even the dogs with a sign wishing her a Happy One Year Mark!!)
It´s been a week full of miracles!! I don´t even know where to start. You could probably tell from my last letters that the work hasn´t been going really well... it´s been okay, and even for any other area I guess you could say it was great. But for us, we knew something needed to change. We decided to work hard and make some goals as a companionship. 

Monday after Ronda (See the Pictures Above), we taught a man in the street named Divine. He was pretty interested, and he had a jehova´s witness pamphlet in his hand, but he wanted to know more about our church. He didn´t end up living in our area. We had to pass him to the A.P.´s. 
On tuesday we did intercambios and I was able to go with Hna. Read!! It was fun. It was just the two of us in her area. She is so amazing. I can´t believe what an amazing missionary she is. She should be training very soon. I was super happy being with her. We had some amazing and spiritual lessons. We taught this romanian woman and had an amazing lesson and she started to cry when we talked about the atonement. It was super cool. 
Together Again!!
Wednesday we met back up and I was with my companions again. That afternoon we didn´t have much success again. We had english class, and then after we saw a less-active named Sergio. He is from Argentina and he knows all the things he needs to be doing, he just doesn´t want to do them. He is kind of weird. He is the one that reads palms and told me I was only going to have 3 kids.
Thursday we had weekly planning and made some goals and figured out how we are going to get people to come to church and be baptized. That evening we had intercambios with Hna Andrus and Hna. Hubbard. Hna. Grant went with Hubbard, and Andrus came here. It was a good afternoon, we were able to teach a future named Cinthia. She is Nigerian and super cute. Then we had a family home evening with Gilbert and Jhannet and it was really fun. Gilbert had a blast with the games and it seems like they enjoyed themselves.
Friday was when we really started to see the miracles happen. It started out a little crazy though. I guess Thursday night I woke up in the night and started talking in my sleep. I also woke up and looked at the clock and it was 4. am. Then, as we went to catch the bus - I took us on the wrong bus. THEN as we were on the bus, my companions noticed that I didn´t have a chapa (nametag) on. Then we had to walk forever to get to the house. It was just crazy. But when we got there, we were able to teach 2 new investigators and it all worked out. When we got back together again, we went and ate at the bishop´s house. His wife is funny, but I love her so much. She is super funny and crazy. After that, we saw Jenni (our 12 yr old investigator) it was her birthday and we sang to her. Then we went to see some investigators that live in the elder´s area and we saw a man carrying his couch by himself. We asked to help him and usually people say no, especially since we´re young girls in skirts that don´t look like we could carry anything, but he said yes. We helped him carry it to his house and then we were able to teach him. We invited him to church and he said he would come. Then we were able to see Chris. He came to the church to have a lesson with us. He was a little quiet and awkward. But it was good. Then we saw our muslim family again, it was supposed to be a short lesson, but it ended up being longer than planned. We ran to the bus to go to Gilbert and Jhannet and I called her and told her we would be late, and she said it was just better if we didn´t come. As we were walking over to some of our investigators, we saw Edith. We have not seen her for about 3 months. I have only met her one time. She is Nigerian. We had sent her a text the other day and told her how much we care about her and love her. She thanked us a lot for the text and then invited us up to teach her. We talked to her and then watched a video. It wasn´t the video we wanted, but it worked out perfectly. She said she wanted us to come back and continue to teach her. 
Saturday morning, we saw Cinthia again and she promised to come to church. That afternoon, we saw Milli. She is a friend of Magali and Lucy our less-actives. THe spirit was so strong in that lesson. It was super cool. I can see such a huge difference in when the investigators have a friend in the church and especially having the lesson in the house of the members. If you have any friends that aren´t members of the church... please tell the missionaries and invite them to have a lesson in the house. Our house has such a strong spirit and it really makes a HUGE difference.

Sunday morning we saw millions of miracles. We went to pick up Cinthia, Edith, and her two kids. Elenir, a member, went and picked them up for us. They all came to church and I translated for them during relief society. Before we even got back to the church, Monolo, the man we met doing service was there. Also, a boy named Fran came. He is one of our future investigators. There were SO MANY nigerians, so we asked if we could have a principles of the gospel class in english. A member named Brother Cano, who is from mexico, but lived in the united states, taught the class. It was amazing. He talked about baptism and baptisms for the dead and why it´s necessary. It was incredible. After church, one of the elders told us that another one of the nigerians lives in our area. We had a ton of investigators in church. That night, we did some family history, then we saw a friend of a member. His name is Jose, and he is actually a member too. He told us he only needs to tell us a few things. He said he wanted our advice. He told us that his mother in law has been listening to the Jehova´s witnesses for about a year now and it seems to be changing her completely and destroying her. He wants us to teach her. The only thing is, is that she tells EVERYTHING to her little tutor person. He was really worried about her, but we are going to teach her on wednesday. I´m a little nervous, I know a lot about our church, but I don´t know anything about other churches. It will be great though. We wanted to ask President Deere to accompany us. It would be so spiritual and I hope that he can. That night, we went to Edith´s. She was sad again, but we taught her kids in spanish about the gospel of Jesus Christ. Then we explained it to her in English. She listened and we related it to what she learned in church. She asked us, ´´when is the next baptism´´. We said, ´´this week´´ she asked, ´´when can I be baptized?´´ we responded, ´´this week´´. She was really happy and we were too. It´s going to take a lot of work, but we are excited! It´s been an amazing week and we are so grateful for the work and miracles we´ve received. I have gained a stronger testimony of the prompting power of the Holy Ghost. I know I received guidance from him this week, and I know without a doubt, because I yielded to the promptings, it opened up a window for miracles and blessings to come. 

I love the mission with all my heart. This week we´re going to have a lot of things going on. We´re getting a mini missionary. (Annie Deere, president´s daughter) also, we are going to Almería, again. And we have another intercambio. And we have to prepare 4 people for baptism... but it´s okay.

This is what it´s all about:

Working hard  

Having fun and 

Doing the will of the Lord.

Have a great week! I love you so much!

Hermana Brown

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