Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Baptism!!

March 24, 2014

Well, I’ve got some great news!! J was baptized!!! But I´ll tell ya a little bit about this week!

Monday we went down by the port and looked at the shops. We had a lot of fun taking pictures and enjoying the BEAUTIFUL sunny day!!
That night, we were going to follow up on some futures and then we got a call from the secretary that told us that Hna. Read was going to Málaga tomorrow!!!

We had to go print off her ticket and figure out something for me to do. She wasn´t going to get back until Thursday evening. I called the SHE´s and they said that I could be with them. After that, we went to go follow up on a future that the Zone Leaders gave us a while ago.. we knocked and this woman from Ecuador opened the door. Her name is F and she said that we could come in and talk with her. She has 3 boys and one of them is super interested in the gospel! The other two are a little younger! We taught a lesson about prayer and she said we could come back! It was great! (: Then we had family home evening. We taught the lesson again, and we watched the new Mormon Message about the Prodigal Son. 
Tuesday, Hna. Read left at 9:30 and the SHE´s came and picked me up. We went to their house and then I went with them to one lesson. It was weird because right in the middle of it, two girls came in and started talking to the guy that we were teaching. They were social workers because he is caring for his nephew. It was interesting, and I loved actually seeing it in real life. Then we had to go drop Hna. Nielsen off at the bus station, she wasn´t going to be in Alicante for the next two days either, they were doing intercambios. Hna. Johnson and I stayed and tried to figure out what we were going to do. Then Hna. Grant came and we went to the church.  Two members  went with me into my area. All of our plans failed ): poor girls had to walk a lot, but we did get to see F. We talked about the Word of Wisdom and he told me that he hadn´t had alcohol or coffee for a week!! It was great, especially to hear it coming from two new converts and from Columbia like him!!
After, we walked with E to English class. She is super funny. We taught English class with Hna. Johnson and Hna. Grant, then they had to go to an eating cita and I stayed with a member for family home evening. The lesson was about a boy dying so a bunch of people could be saved on a train then it talked about the Savior. E said she hated it, but I really think she liked it. Then we walked home with her.  I love her a lot.
Wednesday was Father´s Day here. This morning I took a BATH!! WHOOO it was the best thing ever!!! (: They have such hot water too! We went to see F this morning, Hna. Johnson said all her plans failed in her area so we could go to mine. The lesson went well, we committed him to keep the word of wisdom for the rest of his life, and then we taught the Law of Chastity. He said he can do that too!! After that lesson, we went to the bus station, and then went to find some futures. Then we went and ate some yummy baked veggies. Hna. Johnson made them for me. She´s just the best!
I love being able to work with Hna. Johnson!!
Then we went to go pick up HNA GUERRERO!! whoo I love that girl! Then we went and saw one of my less-actives and taught her about faith. Then we went to see one of Hna. Johnson´s members. She is super old, but loves music and missionary work. We sang her a hymn and then shared something with her. She made me sit next to her and then gave me a hugs and patted my back. She was really cute. Then we went to talk to their investigator. 
Thursday we tried to have a lesson in the morning, but nothing worked out. We bought a napolitana because it´s Hna Johnson and Nielsen´s YEAR MARK!! Crazy! Then we went and dropped Hna. Guerrero off and then headed to my area. We tried to stop by N’s, but she wasn´t there. Then we stopped by G’s, and her boyfriend, told us we could see her Sunday. Then we went to eat with the R’s. Then we went back to the bus station to get Hna. Nielsen and Read. Then Hna. Read and I came back to the house so she could eat, then went to teach J. We got stopped along the way by a man asking about our religion. I think we answered a lot of his ideas. Then we watched finding faith in Christ with J., he is all ready for his baptism for Saturday. After, we had English class then correlation.
Friday our bus left at 7 AM... so early. We had the conference in Murcia with 3 other zones! It was so fun! I´ll write more about it in a letter! (: I just love President and Hna. Deere so so so much!
The 'Old Huelva District' together one last time.
After the conference, we had to RUN to the bus. We got there, and all the seats were full. So Hna. Read, Johnson, Nielsen and I were stuck there for a few hours. I was so tired.
Guess who I saw at our Multi-Zone Conference??
Then we finally got on a bus at 7, then got into Alicante and went and taught E. She was having a really hard time with her family, but also said that they have all the tickets bought to move to the United States!! Crazy! 
Saturday we did our weekly planning then headed to the church for the baptism. Luckily our ward mission leader did it all for us. We were waiting for J, and he wasn´t there at 4:45 and the baptism started at 5. I called him panicking, and he said ´´Hola Hermana Brown, cómo estás?? I asked him if he was on his way and he asked.. for what?? Ohh I was freaking out, he thought he needed to be there at 5. But he got there and everything went FANTASTIC. Hna. Read, Johnson, Nielsen and I sang ‘Nearer my God to Thee’ in 3-part. It sounded way good. Two of our investigators came and it was just great! Then we went to see S and had a pretty great lesson with him.
Sunday was great too!! J was confirmed and S came to church. J is amazing. He knows everything and is such a good guy! After medio-dia we saw S in A´s house and taught the word of wisdom. It was AWESOME. We knew that S smoked, but he said that he wants to quit. He said he thinks God can help him! It was a great lesson. Then we went to see G, she didn´t answer the door. Then we tried N, she said she doesn´t want to talk to us anymore. Then we were on our way home, and we talked to these two men. We had a good talk and lesson with them.

So this week was pretty crazy!! But over-all... it was great! J was baptized and I can just imagine the joy his mom has to know that he is part of the church too!!
I love you so much!!


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