Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Wonderful Week

March 10, 2014
What a wonderful week!! (: absolutely FULL of miracles! (:  I´ve absolutely loved being part of every second of it! 

Monday we went bowling with the two Alicante districts (minus the SHE´s and ZL´s because they were at concilio). It was a lot of fun, and I didn´t do too bad! 

Later, we went to family home evening - we ended up teaching again, but I was really happy for that! We taught the Restoration with the cups that make the gospel that Jesus Christ established. It was great, and everyone loved it. It´s so great to teach members the principles of the gospel in a clear simple way so that they can get ´´animo´´ (i don´t remember english words) to share it with their friends! After, we ate some yummy burgers (well at least I did) and then came home.

Tuesday we saw a (less-active) and she was not doing too great. She is really sad and depressed and said things that made me really sad to hear. We tried to help her the best that we could, but she needs to do her part too. After, we saw another less active and we FINALLY got in touch with him, and it made me so happy. He is really down- and can´t ´´encontrar su camino´´ (find his path) so I asked him... ´´Is Jesus Christ part of this path?´´ he replied, ´´He is the path´´. I then said... ´´well, you know where to start then. With a prayer.´´ He is super great, and I love him a lot - but he said he´s probably moving soon ): Everyone is leaving me!! As we were finishing the lesson with him, this man came up to us that we had met last week. He said, ´´he leído la sabiduría´´ (I have read the wisdom) I couldn´t really understand what he was saying, but he was talking about the Palabra de Sabiduría (word of wisdom) pamphlet that we gave to C last week. I asked him what he thought, and he said, ¨NO´´. It was weird, because A, was still there and we were trying to finish with him and this other man kept saying, ´´don´t you want to talk to me?´´ ´´you don´t love me´´ It was really weird and a little annoying. We walked with A after because I was a little scared.
We haven't had hot water for 3 weeks because our Butano was out.  We finally had time to get some, but had to get creative on how to get the tank across town.  
Luckily we found this cute little street as we were hauling our Gas Tank through the streets of Alicante.

After that,  we taught English class and had noche de hogar in the church.
Wednesday we tried to see a lot of people, then we ended up going through all of our back-ups and no one was home. We sat on a bench and I called a few people. As we were calling, E came up and invited us to eat. We went up to her house and ate really quickly then went up to the church to do intercambios!!! Hna. Nielsen came with me and Hna. Read went with Hna. Johnson. I tried to set up appts. with all the people that Hna. Nielsen would be happy to teach. We saw F and E, too!! It was a good time, we played with the kids and they gave us some yummy cake! We also saw G (a new investigator) and we had a great lesson with her. Then we saw A and A and then E. E freaked out when she saw Hna. Nielsen - she LOVES her, she wouldn´t stop hugging her. She told her that she is going to call Pres. Deere and tell him that she needs to stay with me! We had some great lessons with all of them. The best part of the day was finding a family. We were walking down the street, and Hna. Nielsen started talking to this older woman. She was really smiley and nice, but she didn´t hear or didn´t understand what we were saying. She had 2 daughters right near her and they talked to us. One of them is named N. She is 16 (but looked like 19) and she is really sweet. We told her what we were doing, and she asked if we could say a prayer! We did, and prayed for her mom and family because they are not very well. She has 5 brothers and sisters!!! She is from Andalucía and reminds me a lot of Hna. Cano. (: 
Thursday Hna. Nielsen wasn´t feeling too great, but we still went out and worked. We were walking to see J, but as we were walking I decided to call A. He answered FINALLY and we were able to see him right then. We turned around and went to meet him in a park. Hna. Read still hasn´t met him! He wanted to see us in a park, but it was closed. He took us to this museum thing. It was really awkward, and we didn´t know what to do. We finally were able to teach him a lesson about the sabbath day. He said, ´´cuando puedo bautizarme´´ ´´en el mar no?´´ (when can I be baptized, in the sea right??) We were both suprised and really excited! We told him we needed to get permission, but that we could do it next weekend! It was great! I´m really excited!!! That afternoon, we were supposed to have a lesson in the park with a new investigator named A. We got there a few minutes early and F and his kids were there. We went and said hi, and N grabbed my hand and told me to come play. I wanted to SO bad!! But we thought we saw our investigator, he smiled at us and waved - so we figured it was him. It wasn´t. He was really nice though, and we got a future out of it. As we were walking, these twin girls crossed the cross-walk at the same time as us. One of them said to Hna. Read, ´´hola hermana´´. We turned around and they waved, we awkwardly stopped in the cross-walk, and turned around running to them.´´ They were about 14 and their names are Emi and Saray. Hermana Read´s name is Amy and mine is Sara.. Pretty close. We got their numbers and found out they aren´t in our area ): Then we decided to knock the doors. We met this nice boy named J. He told us him mom would probably be interested. After that, we went to English class, then had correlation.
Chinese take out in Spain-Awesome!
Friday we had zone meeting. It was so great.. gave me so much animo!! The SHE´s talked first about hope and it was super great.. (maybe I´m a little biased, but I think we have the best SHE´s in the mission!) then the zone leaders talked about finding. After that, I was ready to talk to everyone. After a break in the conference, we had a meeting. We got in a circle and talked about obedience. I guess there has been a huge problem in the mission this past month and they just want to help any way they can. It was an answer to my prayers I think... I´ve been really stressed about how I can be the best trainer possible for Hna. Read. It was exactly what needed to happen along with inter-cambios with Hna. Johnson! After the meeting, we ate with L. She is the less-active who has a daughter on a mission. Her husband was there this time, and he was super nice. We had a great lesson with them and the food was perfect for Hna. Read too! Pasta with fish! That afternoon, we talked to a man named R - he has some interesting ideas. Then we stopped in to talk to A and A for a minute. A told me that she is really thinking of moving to Utah.  I definitely told her that she has a house if she comes! Then we saw F. It was such a great lesson and he had some awesome questions that we could answer with the Restoration. He really wants to do good things, and I really think he´s going to be baptized. We set a date for the 22nd of March. He´s super great!
Sunday was the best day ever. We walked to church with N. As I was sitting next to her in the chapel, I had never been happier. P  and S  came too! Then we went to the youth class with N , and then to Young Women’s, because she said that I could not leave her. She said, ´´don`t leave me, I´ll say I´m 18 if I need to.´´ haha.. .all the young women were so nice to her. I was so happy that she was so welcomed. Then we walked back with her. She said she really liked church, and that she´s coming with us to Family Home Evening on Monday.
So many miracles have happened this week and I am so grateful for them!!

Hermana Brown

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