Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Another Wonderful Week

March 31, 2014

This week went really fast the first part, then really slow the second half.
Monday we went and played basketball with the Elders. It was super fun,and my team won! WHOOO!! (whoops... not supposed to keep score on missions) Then we came home, showered and took a nap! I was super tired! That evening we saw F. We planned to teach about eternal families with him and his wife, but she wasn´t there. We taught him about the Holy Ghost, because he still hasn´t received his answer that this is the right way and that the Book of Mormon is true. After him, we saw F. She is super cute. We taught the Book of Mormon and she said she would read it. At family home evening, it was our turn to teach again!! We taught about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but shared it from the point of view of God and Jesus Christ. It worked out really good and we all learned something new! 
An interesting building in our area.
Tuesday we saw the Russian family. Wow.. they are amazing. The daughter is 25 and was baptized 6 years ago in Russia. She lives with her mom and dad who aren´t members. We taught them about the Book of Mormon and even though we were speaking really REALLY simple English for K (the daughter) to translate. We asked them to be baptized and they said yes. And the dad said, ´´finally´´.  It was beautiful and such a spirit led lesson. I loved it so much. Then we had district meeting, that we had to do in like 30 minutes because we had to go to an eating cita. We ate with L (a less active) she was so sweet and loving. We talked to her about coming to church. She said there are a lot of reasons why she isn´t going, but we asked her to pray about getting the strength and the help to go. Then that evening, J (new Convert) came with us to two lessons. We taught Ja for the first time. She was a street contact with Hna. Nielsen and I. It was great to have J with us, he did such a good job. Ja is really nice and cute. She is from Bolivia and has a family here!! After we finished, J said, ´´where now?!´´ He loved every second of it. Then we saw G and taught her about agency. She liked it, but she wants to go little by little. After that lesson, J was so happy. He was SINGING. ´´obra misional.. guay guay guay guay guay´´ (missionay work, cool cool cool cool cool) It was so great! I love that guy! Then we taught English class then had noche de hogar. E stayed for noche de hogar again!!
Wednesday we saw S and talked about quitting smoking. He is doing so great!! 3 days with only 1 cigerette. Then we saw M. He wanted to know where his wife is and how she is doing. (she died recently) the only problem is, is that M is always drunk so he can never understand what we´re telling him. Later - we were looking for a family in the street where they said they lived, and we knocked a door and met M2. He is from Peru and he is really nice. We taught him a lesson and he said we could come back and teach him again!! Then we saw J at a member´s house. It was AWESOME!! C, who is pretty much a member, gave her testimony about joining the church. It was powerful and J liked it I think. Then we saw F. we taught her and her son the restoration. The son, A, loves the Book of Mormon. He loves what he reads and thinks it´s really interesting! Then we ate with R FINALLY. It´s been forever!! She fed us yummy chicken soup stuff. I loved it. She said she is going to invite someone for next time!!
Thursday we had weekly planning and it went pretty great again. I´m really starting to enjoy planning. We saw the R family and they fed us again. H, the son, told us he has been sharing the gospel a lot this week. He found a family and has invited them to church. It´s great! Then we saw F and she wanted us to help her return something to the store. It was awkward. She had tried to return it before I guess, but they wouldn´t let her. It was just a weird situation. Then we saw ER!! She is just my favorite. I love her so much, and I feel like I haven´t seen her in forever! We just talked to her and let her know that we were there for her. She´s having a hard time with things. Then we went to English class and Hna. Read stayed there with A and I went to a noche de hogar with a family and J. It was kind of a disaster. Poor J. I´ll tell more about it later.
Friday we had to pass the Russians off to the zone leaders ): so sad. We taught lesson one with them. It was pretty hard with four of us. Then after that we went to see F. He said he had fasted to find a job, he found a two-day job. I hope he can see and realize the blessings that have come from the Lord. Then we saw S. We taught him the law of chastity. He was SO embarrassed to talk about it. I asked him to explain what he understood about the law of chastity. He said, ´´no, it´s written right there´´. (referring to the pamphlet!) super funny. Then we went to see A. She had missed us so much last week. We didn´t get the chance to see her, and she was just so happy to see us. We shared a scripture and talked to her and R, her sister. Then we had correlation and then we helped K (the russian member) get to know some of the single adults. One of the girls in ward 1, named F, took really good care of her. She was so great, and speaks English perfectly so it was good.
Three of my four companions in the mission field.
Saturday we went to play soccer, F was supposed to come, but didn´t show up. It was a lot of fun playing, I was on a pretty good team, so I guess that made it better. After medio-dia there was a baptism. S came and watched. 
Sunday, E went to church. Yeah it was the other ward but she finally went!! And when we went to see her after, she was super happy and calm. It was great. Sunday afternoon we had a noche de hogar with F and his family and a member from our ward. It was good, a little long, but good. Then we finally were able to see J. She was doing really well. We haven´t seen her in about a month and I guess last night she was thinking about us and felt like she needed to read the Book of Mormon. I guess she isn´t going to move, so we need to pass her on to the SHE´s. I felt good about it though, because they will teach her really well. Then last night we ate crepes at E´s. They were pretty good, I wasn´t expecting them to have so much meat in them.
That was my week!! This week is a week of transfers, and I am STAYING in Alicante!! (: whoooo.. I´m so happy I don´t have to leave yet! (;
I love you so much! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Hermana Sara Brown

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