Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I just love conference!! Isn´t it the best!! (:
This week was great and full of miracles! I have loved it so so much.
Monday we went and played volleyball in San Vicente, and it was such a blast. I am super super rusty, but it was a lot of fun!! Then we came home and saw S. It was a good lesson, then he came with us to the family home evening. but it didn´t start until about 9:30... (an hour later than it was suppposed to) It was a bummer, but it ended up turning out great. H gave a great object lesson with cups and knives. S seemed to like it too.
Tuesday was a little rough, but we were able to see F for a minute. He was a little distracted and upset, so we left. Then we taught english class and the noche de hogar. Before it started, we had a member sit outside by the door as people came in, and she pretended to be really hurt. We videoed it to see who would stop to help her. Then we taught about the Good Samaritan - it was a pretty good lesson I think. Then we said goodbye to the elders that were leaving ): Elder Farrell, Durfey and Rojas ): It was really sad. But I´m sure I´ll see them all again before I finish my mission. 
Wednesday was my first lesson in French. It was crazy and I felt like being trained all over again. I had my part of what to say written down, and Hna. Read would look at me when it was my turn. It was fun, and the woman we were teaching was really interested! Then we got to see F. We talked to him about really asking with a sincere heart and willing to act on a response. He was different again, not really the F I used to know? Then we picked up my package!! I was so happy with everything they sent. (: So cute the letters I got from Rachel and Elena!! Then we ate with L. She made us yummy food, but I did not feel very good. I got a huge headache and could barely keep my eyes open. We came home and I took a little rest. Then we went and saw M. He is one of our new investigators and he is great. He had read the first part of the Book of Mormon and he had many MANY questions. He is from Peru and a really good guy. We had a good lesson about the restoration and when we talked about the first vision, he was in awe. He is great, and willing to read. Then A failed us, then we went to see J with the SHE´s so pass her off to them. It was  funny experience. She turned on Michael Jackson and started dancing, we all wanted to join her - but we sat there awkwardly! It was funny. She said she had been reading a bit from the Book of Mormon, they will be good teachers for her.
Thursday was a great day. We met with S and taught him 10 commandments, then we saw A right when she needed it. She was really grateful that we had passed by, and I¨m really glad we did too. Then we taught english class and then had correlation. E stayed with us for correlation so that was a little awkward. Then she came with us to a lesson with a future investigator. It was our first lesson with R, J´s uncle.  We walked in and the people who were there were... R, his wife - M, his daughter and son (who appearantly are  members) S, J L and his wife K. It was a crazy time. We just talked to all of them and at the end, K said, ´´look, all of us here have our problems. They came right at this time to help us.´´ It was pretty neat. Also, E said said ´´this church is the true church´´. It was a great miracle. Then as we walked home, E said, ´´I´m starting to like being part of the ´Mormons´.´´ It was pretty great!! That night something happened that woke us up in the middle of the night. It was this huge crashing sound with glass hitting the ground. I woke up freaking out, thinking that something had happened to Hna. Read. I hurridly turned on the light and saw that she was still there. Then we walked out looking to see what happened. We got a little scared and decided to look for the emergency number just in case. Then we figured out, that the wind had knocked over a huge thing with a light covering thing. 
Friday morning we had district meeting. Before it, we got something called, Pan de Bono. It is delicious. It is from Colombia and like bread filled with cheese. Then we had a good district meeting. That afternoon, we saw a future named C. She fed us after our little meeting, food from Peru. It was super good. Like potato chips, but they were bananas. Then we had a great lesson with F. FINALLY, he´s back to the F I used to know. He opened up and told us his doubts and fears. It was great. Made me so happy. Then we saw A and she said, ´´I have missed you so much, I was praying that you would come visit me.´´ She is such an angel, and I love her so very much.
Saturday we stopped by S and he was moving. We helped him move some of his things out and then passed by A. She had a friend there, and we taught him a little. Then we saw M. Then after medio-dia, we got to watch the first session of conference. It was so amazing... I will write a letter explaining things I absolutely loved. Right now, I¨m actually listening again to Elder Holland´s talk, because that one was probably my favorite. I just love him and I also loved Elder Packer´s. How powerful are their testimonies. They are so sure, and it is so amazing to feel the spirit when they speak. After that, we got to see R and J came with us. It was fun, and his uncle accepted a baptism date.
Sunday was a fun day. We watched conference, and that night we sang a little bit with all of the missionaries. I´ll write more about it because I don´t have time.
I love you all so much. I invite you to take the advice of Elder Ballard and get a preach my gospel and study it. That book has power, it helps us understand the scriptures and how to share the gospel with our brothers and sisters. I am so grateful to be on a mission. I know that my Savior lives. He loves us. The Church is True.

Love, Hermana Sara Brown

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