Monday, September 23, 2013


September 23, 2013                  

                                                 Me and the Best Companion EVER!!!!

FAMILY!!!! How is everyone?!
I am doing wonderful, and the work is really picking up!
16 de Septiembre (Monday)
Elena sent me a really cute e-mail that I really enjoyed! Later today, I bought some croissants and yes.. they are now gone!! They are so good! After doing a little grocery shopping, we came back home and wrote some letters! I hope you got that letter I sent! I also got the one from both you and dad! Thank you so much! I loved it! (: After practicing a little piano, we went to this cute Indian store. I bought the coolest pants that are quite popular here! I love them so much, and Hermana Johnson bought a really cute white dress! We started out with our appointments. We went to visit Cristiani, but she wasn´t home - so we went to visit a wonderful woman in our ward Merchi. She is so strong, and such a sweet lady. Every Monday night we have FHE with Galicia and Gabriel. Tonight was really funny, we played a game like charades. You act out a person, place and a thing. Then one person comes in at a time and you act it out for them, then they have to act it out to the next person and so on. We had a lot of fun!!!! Then, Galicia fed us empanadas (: I was a very happy girl!
17th (Tuesday)
Every Tuesday we have district meeting - today we learned about being a successful missionary, and it´s not all about the numbers! Afterwards, we ate at Dominos! We had buffet style and I´m a little embarrassed to tell you how many pieces I had. But I´ll tell you, 9! I was not feeling the greatest after, but it was definitely worth it! We had to get our money´s worth right?!  After the 4th pizza, Elder Harman says, ´´Hermana Brown, you want another?´´ yeah, I just couldn´t say no! After lunch we had to run to get our bus to Sevilla. We were doing inter-cambios. The Sister Training Leaders do an exchange with each of the companionships in the zone. I was with Hermana Hodson! She taught me a lot, and helped me understand how easy it is to contact in the street! I have just got to get over my fear of messing up my Spanish! 2 men came up to me in the park and asked about English classes... so we got two futures, so that was nice! We also taught a man in a bar - he liked to practice his English so I was excited to talk to him! I am so grateful for Hermana Johnson and her obedience. I´ve learned some great habits from her that are so important as a missionary!
18th (Wednesday)
So today I´m still in Dos Hermanas with Hermana Hodson. This morning for exercise, we did a zumba work-out thing! It was pretty fun! When we left the piso, I was quite cold! It is the first time I´ve felt chilly since being here. After leaving Dos Hermanas and going on another 1 ½ hour bus ride back to Huelva, Hermana Johnson and I went to visit Matthew and Joy. We talked to their son, Samuel, and taught him lesson one. He´s 9 and isn´t baptized yet. I invited him to be baptized, and he accepted!!! (: Matthew was being weird though, something was definitely up with him - but we couldn´t really figure it out.
19th (Thursday)
We ate with members twice today! Once with la Familia de Pilar and once with la familia de Obispo (Bishop). The first family has two young kids, Marta and Gonzalo. They were both showing us their toys and showing off! I loved it, they are so adorable! They fed us pasta and it was so good! When we were getting ready to leave, I was standing in the doorway and Marta came and gave me a hug! (: ahh I didn´t want to let her go! After eating, we went to visit Matthew and Joy - Matthew left during the lesson, but after we taught Samuel, Joy opened up to us and told us things were not great. We want to help her so much, but being a missionary we have restrictions so it´s kind of a bummer. She is so sweet, and told us she looks at us as family! I love knowing that people trust us because that is what we´re here for! After our lesson, we went to the Bishop´s house for dinner. It was a suprise birthday party for him! The familia de Pilar that we were eating with earlier was there! Marta sat by me on the couch and just held on to my arm for like 10 minutes! It made me miss all my amazing and cute nieces and nephews, but I LOVED feeling the love from her! She also said (in Spanish) ´´you´re bigger than me, TALK´´ I guess I should take her advice and talk a little bit more! (:
20th (Friday)
Today was a pretty good day! After not having much success throughout the week, Heavenly Father definitely placed people in our path. We went to stop by Cristiani´s and her friend Fabiola was there. We taught a little bit about the restoration and she accepted a Book of Mormon and prayed for us. She seems promising, and hopefully she will be receptive to us! After, we stopped by Lexi´s store to see if she was around! SHE WAS!! We talked to her about the Book of Mormon and the truth of it. She has a VERY strong testimony of the Bible and doesn´t really think that she should mix it with another book. After listening to a few stories of hers, Hermana Johnson opened up to Alma 32 and talked about faith being like a seed. We invited her to read and then SEEK to know that the book is true. The spirit was so strong, and I loved hearing Hermana Johnson talk about things that were going through my mind as well. We ate with la Familia Nunez and it was really good. Noche de Hogar (FHE) with the ward was really good tonight! We played a game like signs - and then played ´´do you love your neighbor´´ it was a fun night!
21st (Saturday)
We didn´t play sports today, we had a lot to do. The Mission leader was going to have us over for lunch, but ended up just making us a Spanish Tortilla... it´s the greatest thing ever!
22nd (Sunday)
We had to go to Sevilla again today for Stake Conference. It was fun to see all the missionaries in our stake! They are so great! (:

So things are so good here! I love being a missionary (: I do only have a few days of being a teen-ager! 20 is too old for me! I think I´m going to skip this birthday! (; Yeah to answer a few of your questions : Guapa is good, and it just means pretty or handsome.. I just think it´s funny when you pass people in the street and they say ´´........guapa´´ and I think you asked what a cita was.. it´s just an appointment. There are not many kids in the ward, but I just love Primary so much! It´s such a blessing to be there with the kids! I practice the piano whenever there is time, but I pretty much just wing it! I´m definitely improving though!

I love you so much! I hope things are going great with all of you! (: Thanks for your prayers and love!
Have a great week!
Hermana Brown

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