Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Well Happy Monday to the best family in the world!!

This week has been pretty crazy! Last week I got a call from President telling me that I was going to be transferred! I was excited, but also really sad to be leaving the ´´Best trainer in the mission´´.
 But change is good! On Monday, Hermana J and I spent our last p-day together going to the mall and buying some necessities (boots and tights, because it´s freezing in Spain) who knew? Later that night, we were on our way to the bus stop to go see S and her family in Valverde for the last time, and we decided to stop and get some Neapolitans for the trip... well we ended up missing the bus! It was really sad, and we both felt pretty dumb. We called a member to take us, (it was family night, but it was an emergency). We planned a lesson on temples and family history work. It went quite well. 
After the lesson, the family brought out a little present for me and a card that they had written on. S said that it was in Spanish, and asked if I would like them to read it to me! I said of course.. and they recorded it, I hope  they put it on facebook, because it was precious. N read it first, then G, then S.  In her part, she put ´´I remember the first time you came to Valverde, I knew I had angels in my home´´. She goes on to say how grateful she was for me and thanked me for sharing my testimony with her family. She said ´´I´ll never forget you´´.  About half-way through she started crying, and I started tearing up too. It was a really cool goodbye, and I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to know them.  It´s really cool and such a miracle!

Tuesday was quite a sad day. We woke up and I got my things packed up. We went to RM’s and picked up the things we left there... then I picked up my package from Robyn (thank you so much by the way) and then went back home to get my suitcases and headed to the bus station. The elders were there to say goodbye to me.
I was fine, until I hugged Hermana J before I got on the bus. I started to tear up... and then I looked out the window and they were all waving to me. I read what they had each written in my journal and had a nice cry on the way to Sevilla. I really was blessed with such an awesome district! We got along so well.  I spent the night in Sevilla, then Wednesday I had to take the train at 6:50 in the morning to Málaga. (which is pronounced MALL aga) btw... anyway!! I was by myself and when I got to Málaga on the train, I had to go to the bus station to wait for my bus to Alicante. My bus left at 10 am... and it didn´t get to Alicante until 4:45! Super long day!!
My New Companion
 That night we had dinner with a member. It was good.
We visited with some investigators, and we had English class that night too... It´s super different from Huelva. There are 3 different levels and tons of people come! It is really good.. and I got to meet my district! They are awesome! They are Elder D, D, F, and E. Elder D, F, Hna P and I are all from the same group!! Super young! (: But it´s a lot of fun! Friday we didn´t do much because Hna P was sick... I got a lot of studying done though. Hna J has seriously taught me so so much! It´s the greatest! I´m really happy I was taught how to be obedient (: Saturday we taught G again and she said she would give up tea and coffee... without question! (; she is so great! We got a new investigator today named MC. She is 8 and the cutest little girl ever. Her grandma is less active and we taught her the restoration. When we gave her a Book of Mormon, she got a HUGE smile on her face! It was really cute! Sunday was a day of miracles in my opinion.  OH before I forget... super weird thing. We have church at 5:00 PM on Sundays! Crazy huh?! I feel like I´m at a fireside! So before church, we have weekly planning. After that we went and saw the old investigator I was talking about earlier. It was really good!! Then at church we were introduced to a friend of a really recent convert. She is in our area, so we´ll be teaching her as well!! 
To be honest, this week was tough. It was a really different change - and it´s taking some patience! But, I´m happy to be here. My testimony is growing stronger and stronger every day! I love being a missionary! (: 
I love you so much!! I hope you have a good week, and have a fun time preparing for the holiday!!

Mucho Amor,
Hermana Sara Brown

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