Monday, December 16, 2013


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well... not too much here. No snow! Only in one part of our mission,
but not here in Alicante! It should be, because it feels cold enough to have snow! This last week was our time to prepare for this week of finding!!! It´s been a little hard though, because my companion hurt her foot, and was stuck in the piso for like 3 days. I was able to have 2 lessons, because Hermana F, one of the SHE´s (Sister training leaders but in Spanish, I don´t really know what it stands for) came with me. So we got some work done. Hopefully this week will be better. Last Monday, Elder D hurt his shoulder playing soccer. We showed up right after it happened, he was rushed to the hospital and we played for a little bit. It felt SO good to throw a football! I was pretty sore for the rest of the week though! Monday night, we had a family home evening, like always, and G came. We had a lesson on the Word of Wisdom - she is just the cutest thing ever. She said, ´´I love my wine... whoops.. did love my wine´´ She is just so perfect, she wants to do everything good, and keep all the commandments! I love her a lot! I´m glad you are friends with her on FB now! We might be with her one of the holidays... not sure yet! Tuesday we had Zone Conference! I love living where in the place where we have all these conferences, because then we don´t have to travel so much. The zone leaders gave a talk and got us really excited for this week of finding. They really are such good teachers! and the SHEs too.. I love them! Today Hermana C came with us, because her compie was doing intercambios (exchanges) so she came with us to some of our citas. I think she´s pretty awesome, and she reminds me a lot of Hermana J! We had English Class and FHE tonight and we played a game, and I was terrible.. It was one of those rhythm games and I could not speak fast enough. It was really fun though! Wednesday we had to go wait with Hna C at the bus station because she was waiting for another companion to come. We had a lesson with G and started a fast with her, so she could find work. Elder D had surgery on his shoulder. Hermana Deere wanted us to be like his family. We made him brownies (they turned out super good) and took all the elders Kebabs in the hospital. The two elders from San Vicente stayed the night both nights with Elder D and his companion. Our district is awesome, and really supportive. We were in the chapel for something today and there was this lady that was talking to Hna C. Hna C comes and asks me if I´m from Fayette. I was like, ´´yeah, how did you know that´´ she says, a lady wants to talk to you. I went and talked to her and she said, ´´Do you know Tracy Bartholomew????´´ I said I did, and she said that she had served in this ward in Alicante! Super crazy! Thursday we had to go with Hna C AGAIN to the bus station, then she came with us to our lessons. We taught a new investigator that really needed someone to talk to. I think he´s really lonely. Then we taught G about faith and fasting and broke our fast. She said she felt good about it. We went to eat with Familia Sefuente. It was super yummy.. homemade chicken soup, fish, salad, bread and potato things! Really yummy! Then we had English class, and then I taught a girl some piano. Friday Hna P wanted to go to the doctor so we did. She had to stay in the piso for 3-4 days. So we didn´t do anything Friday. Saturday, I went with the SHEs and G to another cosecha. We did it in a pueblo called San Vicente. I was with G and it was super fun!  She talked with everyone with her cute broken Spanish! I loved it! (: We had a good time!  We came home, and later that night - I went with Hermana F to teach MC and we also taught a less active. It turned out to be a good night.  I like teaching with her, I feel like I can participate a lot more! (: She is really nice, I love everyone here in Alicante. It´s a lot of fun!!
My Friend
Yesterday was Dad and Creed´s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Love you both lots! And I had a talk in church!! I want to send it to you... I might copy it and put it in a letter,  but it´s all in Spanish. Do you still want it? It went quite well.   We also sang as a district. “I´m trying to be like Jesus” in Spanish. It was good! (: This Saturday Elder E and I are singing in the talent show for our two wards. He´s going to play the guitar and we´re going to sing something! I´m excited! There is a big activity for both Alicante wards on Saturday! It should be really good!!
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!  I´ll write more of a ´´Christmas´´ letter next week! Something that I studied this morning was from the Bible. In Matthew about the 10 virgins. It is such a cool story and I love the footnotes that lead to D&C. We must be prepared, with our lamps full, because we know not the day nor the hour when the Savior will come! I love you all so much!! 

Hermana Sara Brown

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