Monday, December 16, 2013


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

Well... not too much here. No snow! Only in one part of our mission,
but not here in Alicante! It should be, because it feels cold enough to have snow! This last week was our time to prepare for this week of finding!!! It´s been a little hard though, because my companion hurt her foot, and was stuck in the piso for like 3 days. I was able to have 2 lessons, because Hermana F, one of the SHE´s (Sister training leaders but in Spanish, I don´t really know what it stands for) came with me. So we got some work done. Hopefully this week will be better. Last Monday, Elder D hurt his shoulder playing soccer. We showed up right after it happened, he was rushed to the hospital and we played for a little bit. It felt SO good to throw a football! I was pretty sore for the rest of the week though! Monday night, we had a family home evening, like always, and G came. We had a lesson on the Word of Wisdom - she is just the cutest thing ever. She said, ´´I love my wine... whoops.. did love my wine´´ She is just so perfect, she wants to do everything good, and keep all the commandments! I love her a lot! I´m glad you are friends with her on FB now! We might be with her one of the holidays... not sure yet! Tuesday we had Zone Conference! I love living where in the place where we have all these conferences, because then we don´t have to travel so much. The zone leaders gave a talk and got us really excited for this week of finding. They really are such good teachers! and the SHEs too.. I love them! Today Hermana C came with us, because her compie was doing intercambios (exchanges) so she came with us to some of our citas. I think she´s pretty awesome, and she reminds me a lot of Hermana J! We had English Class and FHE tonight and we played a game, and I was terrible.. It was one of those rhythm games and I could not speak fast enough. It was really fun though! Wednesday we had to go wait with Hna C at the bus station because she was waiting for another companion to come. We had a lesson with G and started a fast with her, so she could find work. Elder D had surgery on his shoulder. Hermana Deere wanted us to be like his family. We made him brownies (they turned out super good) and took all the elders Kebabs in the hospital. The two elders from San Vicente stayed the night both nights with Elder D and his companion. Our district is awesome, and really supportive. We were in the chapel for something today and there was this lady that was talking to Hna C. Hna C comes and asks me if I´m from Fayette. I was like, ´´yeah, how did you know that´´ she says, a lady wants to talk to you. I went and talked to her and she said, ´´Do you know Tracy Bartholomew????´´ I said I did, and she said that she had served in this ward in Alicante! Super crazy! Thursday we had to go with Hna C AGAIN to the bus station, then she came with us to our lessons. We taught a new investigator that really needed someone to talk to. I think he´s really lonely. Then we taught G about faith and fasting and broke our fast. She said she felt good about it. We went to eat with Familia Sefuente. It was super yummy.. homemade chicken soup, fish, salad, bread and potato things! Really yummy! Then we had English class, and then I taught a girl some piano. Friday Hna P wanted to go to the doctor so we did. She had to stay in the piso for 3-4 days. So we didn´t do anything Friday. Saturday, I went with the SHEs and G to another cosecha. We did it in a pueblo called San Vicente. I was with G and it was super fun!  She talked with everyone with her cute broken Spanish! I loved it! (: We had a good time!  We came home, and later that night - I went with Hermana F to teach MC and we also taught a less active. It turned out to be a good night.  I like teaching with her, I feel like I can participate a lot more! (: She is really nice, I love everyone here in Alicante. It´s a lot of fun!!
My Friend
Yesterday was Dad and Creed´s birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Love you both lots! And I had a talk in church!! I want to send it to you... I might copy it and put it in a letter,  but it´s all in Spanish. Do you still want it? It went quite well.   We also sang as a district. “I´m trying to be like Jesus” in Spanish. It was good! (: This Saturday Elder E and I are singing in the talent show for our two wards. He´s going to play the guitar and we´re going to sing something! I´m excited! There is a big activity for both Alicante wards on Saturday! It should be really good!!
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!!  I´ll write more of a ´´Christmas´´ letter next week! Something that I studied this morning was from the Bible. In Matthew about the 10 virgins. It is such a cool story and I love the footnotes that lead to D&C. We must be prepared, with our lamps full, because we know not the day nor the hour when the Savior will come! I love you all so much!! 

Hermana Sara Brown

December 9, 2013

It´s almost Christmas!!! I can´t belive that! Time is going by WAY too fast! But I´m loving it here! 
On Monday we had family home evening at a members´ house. L (recent convert)´s friend came. Her name is E, and she is super cute. She is really interested in the church and is willing to do a lot of things to follow Christ. Tuesday we had a lesson with her. She said she knew the Book of Mormon was true, and we set a baptismal date with her. Unfortunately, she isn´t in our area, or in our ward ): Areas. They stink. She´s in the 1st ward, and we´re in the 2nd. It´s sad, because it´s not like we want her for the baptism, but we want to teach someone who´s sincerely interested in changing their lives. But that´s alright, as long as someone teaches her. We also had a lesson with M (recent convert) about service. He is such a great guy, but the members seem apprehensive about him for some reason. I think he´s great, but that´s just my opinion. We also had a lesson with G. This woman is super special. I love her so much!! We taught her about the 10 commandments, and she loves how they are the same as in the bible! What a cutie! Wednesday was a little rough. But that´s alright, I´m learning how to be more patient. While we were following up on old investigators, we found a new one. Her name is J and she is 12. She is really cute, and likes what she learned it seems like. Today, we taught a few people about hope. I found a talk by Pres. Uchtdorf about hope and I love what he says in it. He says, that Heavenly Father will always provide a way for us to escape the darkness in our lives. We also read from the Book of Mormon in Alma 58:10-12! I liked it a lot! Tonight was really good. I had an interview with President Deere! I just love the time I have with him, even though it´s only 15 minutes or so! He made me feel so good.  He said he feels like I am stable.  It seemed like he was spot on! I like that he can see that I am steady. It makes me feel good. The next day (Thursday) we had Zone Training.
Before Zone Conference
I got a little bit frustrated, because I was in the back, and there was a loud machine going on outside so I couldn´t hear or understand what Pres. Deere was saying. It didn´t help that it takes a lot for me to translate from Spanish to English, but it was alright. He is such a great teacher. He taught us about the Book of Mormon. He asked us the question, What has the Book of Mormon done for you? If you could... I would love for all of our family, to write back ´´what the Book of Mormon has done for you´´ That would be awesome!! (: After zone training, we ate at Dominoes and then came home, dropped our things off and left again for our lessons. We taught a 15 year old girl who is ´´Atheist´´. I could not believe the things she said. It made me so sad to think about how sad our Heavenly Father is when he hears things like that ): I was really sad for this girl, but one thing that she promised she would do - was pray every night for one week, to see if God exists. I know she´ll get an answer, I just hope she recognizes it! After this lesson, we taught G again. We taught her about fasting and tithing. I thought she would be hesitant about keeping this commitment, but she said she would! She really is awesome! After her lesson, she walked with us to the church for English class. Before the class started, she and I talked for a little bit and it was so great. I told her how much I appreciated her and she told me how grateful she is to have known me! She is adorable! After English class, we went to visit a less-active. Friday morning, we had a lesson with MC. She is 8 and very VERY interested in the church. Her grandma is a member, and her mom too, but both are less-active. MC told her dad, ´´I believe in God, and it doesn´t matter to me if you believe or not, but I do and I want to know more´´ She really really wants to learn about the church. It´s really cute, I just don´t know if she´ll be able to get baptized, because her dad has to have a say in it. After that lesson, we visited A again. She is the member that can´t come to church because she has a phobia of people. A little strange, but yeah she is always really sad, so we try to visit her a lot. We had a lesson with L and M (investigators) and it was not very fun. He tried to contradict our testimonies and it was a little frustrating. He wasn´t very nice. After that, we went to the chapel for a lesson with M. We talked about teaching and learning in the gospel. It went really well and we had lots of members there with us. That always helps! After we had a leccioncita with a member who is having a hard time, and then with a member in the young women´s to help her learn how to share the gospel. It was good! The spirit was really strong when she spoke! Saturday Morning we had a thing called a ´´cosecha´´. It´s when all you do is FIND FIND FIND and talk to EVERYONE in the street. We were all assigned an area to proselyte and then we just go. I was partnered up with an older woman in the ward. This made it a little hard - no one wanted to listen to us. It was a little frustrating, but that´s how it goes. At least we tried! Did I tell you Hermana C (Hermana J´s trainer) and mi abuela, is in this area. She is the SHE here, and she is the cutest! I like her a lot, and now I know where Hermana J gets a lot of her things from! After the cosecha we came back to the piso and I fell asleep, I´ve been a little sick this week, and I needed to rest. After wards, we went to the church and the primary was practicing for the program. The music leader was trying to play the piano and lead at the same time, so I offered to play. Then we had a little lesson with a member named M and her family. She made us hot chocolate and we talked about our mission plan. Sunday was great! Today we had a lesson with G about following the prophet. Before we started she was telling us that she couldn´t find work. So before we started I had a feeling I should ask her something. I asked her if she remembered when we talked about fasting. She said yes, and then I asked - ´´Do you think we can receive blessings from fasting´´? She said, yes I think so. So then I asked if we could join her in a fast one day this week so that she can find work. She was a little surprised, but I knew it was what I needed to say. I have faith that this can happen... we´re going to start the fast with her on Wednesday, and finish with her on Thursday! (; I´m really excited!! After the lesson on prophets, she walked with us to church.  She is super cute and just loves everyone! The primary had their program today and it was really cute. They had two of the older girls, play the piano and lead during the whole thing. They did a good job! After church, we had correlation and Elder E , our district leader, was a little stressed out because it was such bad timing for him. Everyone was stressed out, and his companion, Elder F, thanked me afterward for being so calm and acting like a missionary. Later, Elder E called me and told me that he and his companion think I’m the peacemaker in our district. It was nice! I don´t have to play the piano in this ward though.. only for Relief Society. This morning, I heard that G (from Huelva) was baptized yesterday! And guess who I heard it from... S (his mom)! (: She sent me an email and pictures, and it made me so happy!! I just love her so much!

This week has been great!! We´re finding new people, and G is progressing so much!! I´ve been reading in the Book of Mormon and I´m almost done with 3rd Nephi! I love it SO MUCH!! I just read a chapter that I love.. and now I don´t remember which one.. I´m not sure, but it´s when Jesus Christ prays and all the Nephites witness it and it´s such a great moment for everyone! I just love it!!! (: 

I love being a missionary of the Lord. I know I was sent here at this time for a reason! I love you all so much.
Hermana Sara Brown

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

New Address

Here's Hermana Brown's new address:

Hermana Sara Brown
Calle General Marva
39, 2°B
03005 Alicante,

Well Happy Monday to the best family in the world!!

This week has been pretty crazy! Last week I got a call from President telling me that I was going to be transferred! I was excited, but also really sad to be leaving the ´´Best trainer in the mission´´.
 But change is good! On Monday, Hermana J and I spent our last p-day together going to the mall and buying some necessities (boots and tights, because it´s freezing in Spain) who knew? Later that night, we were on our way to the bus stop to go see S and her family in Valverde for the last time, and we decided to stop and get some Neapolitans for the trip... well we ended up missing the bus! It was really sad, and we both felt pretty dumb. We called a member to take us, (it was family night, but it was an emergency). We planned a lesson on temples and family history work. It went quite well. 
After the lesson, the family brought out a little present for me and a card that they had written on. S said that it was in Spanish, and asked if I would like them to read it to me! I said of course.. and they recorded it, I hope  they put it on facebook, because it was precious. N read it first, then G, then S.  In her part, she put ´´I remember the first time you came to Valverde, I knew I had angels in my home´´. She goes on to say how grateful she was for me and thanked me for sharing my testimony with her family. She said ´´I´ll never forget you´´.  About half-way through she started crying, and I started tearing up too. It was a really cool goodbye, and I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to know them.  It´s really cool and such a miracle!

Tuesday was quite a sad day. We woke up and I got my things packed up. We went to RM’s and picked up the things we left there... then I picked up my package from Robyn (thank you so much by the way) and then went back home to get my suitcases and headed to the bus station. The elders were there to say goodbye to me.
I was fine, until I hugged Hermana J before I got on the bus. I started to tear up... and then I looked out the window and they were all waving to me. I read what they had each written in my journal and had a nice cry on the way to Sevilla. I really was blessed with such an awesome district! We got along so well.  I spent the night in Sevilla, then Wednesday I had to take the train at 6:50 in the morning to Málaga. (which is pronounced MALL aga) btw... anyway!! I was by myself and when I got to Málaga on the train, I had to go to the bus station to wait for my bus to Alicante. My bus left at 10 am... and it didn´t get to Alicante until 4:45! Super long day!!
My New Companion
 That night we had dinner with a member. It was good.
We visited with some investigators, and we had English class that night too... It´s super different from Huelva. There are 3 different levels and tons of people come! It is really good.. and I got to meet my district! They are awesome! They are Elder D, D, F, and E. Elder D, F, Hna P and I are all from the same group!! Super young! (: But it´s a lot of fun! Friday we didn´t do much because Hna P was sick... I got a lot of studying done though. Hna J has seriously taught me so so much! It´s the greatest! I´m really happy I was taught how to be obedient (: Saturday we taught G again and she said she would give up tea and coffee... without question! (; she is so great! We got a new investigator today named MC. She is 8 and the cutest little girl ever. Her grandma is less active and we taught her the restoration. When we gave her a Book of Mormon, she got a HUGE smile on her face! It was really cute! Sunday was a day of miracles in my opinion.  OH before I forget... super weird thing. We have church at 5:00 PM on Sundays! Crazy huh?! I feel like I´m at a fireside! So before church, we have weekly planning. After that we went and saw the old investigator I was talking about earlier. It was really good!! Then at church we were introduced to a friend of a really recent convert. She is in our area, so we´ll be teaching her as well!! 
To be honest, this week was tough. It was a really different change - and it´s taking some patience! But, I´m happy to be here. My testimony is growing stronger and stronger every day! I love being a missionary! (: 
I love you so much!! I hope you have a good week, and have a fun time preparing for the holiday!!

Mucho Amor,
Hermana Sara Brown


Well... I´m down to my last few hours in Huelva. I´m really really sad to leave ): I love this place, and I love the people here in the ward! I have seen so many miracles here, but I´m happy Hermana J will be here to take care of them! I´m heading to Alicante!! It´s on the COMPLETE other side of Spain!
I leave from Huelva tomorrow afternoon, and travel to Sevilla. I´ll spend the night there, and then go again Wednesday morning at 6 to Málaga and then to Alicante. I´m going to be with Hermana P!! She came in my group... so we´re both new! She´s from the Canary Islands, so a native! I´m excited to learn Spanish quickly! I´ve talked to a few of the members here about Alicante and they said that it has the best ice cream, it´s by the sea, it has the best Christmas Candy - (turrón) - but they also say it´s a totally different language over there! So that will be interesting!

Monday - We went out to Valverde and watched the Joseph Smith movie with the family! They enjoyed it (I hope) we had to catch the bus, so we didn´t get to talk much after. On Tuesday we had district meeting and then ate DOMINOS!! It was great... except it´s probably good I´m leaving because that unlimited pizza is killing me! We taught D.. who is 88 years old! She is the sweetest lady, but she´s a seventh day adventist - and she loves her religion. We also had a lesson some less actives.  He has really turned around. He is so much nicer and wants his children to grow up in the gospel. We also had family home evening. It was good, we taught some people in English and it was really weird. I hadn´t done that in quite a long time! I don´t know how interested she is in the church, but she loves the importance of families. (I do too) (:  Wednesday we went to visit an investigator but she wasn´t there, we decided to knock a building next to hers... one of the first doors we knocked, the woman SLAMMED the door after hearing the name of our church. It was pretty sad - - I mean for her, that she doesn´t want to hear about Jesus Christ. So Thursday - I thought it was Thanksgiving, but I guess it´s this Thursday! Who knew??? We ate with RM and she made us some YUMMY food!! We had chicken, potatoes, bread, fried potato things and salad! Then we just stayed there until it was time to go to Valverde. JA and Rosa Mari took us. G doesn´t like to read, I decided I wanted to let him know that I am the same way. I told him that before my mission, I didn´t really ´´enjoy´´ reading the scriptures, but I read them because it is a commandment. I explained that since I have been on my mission, I had a stronger desire to bring myself closer to Christ, and the only way to accomplish that, is to read the scriptures - because they testify of Him. I teared up while I was explaining, but I hope he realizes that he can do this! After the lesson, we shared a little message with C (member who lives alone) and she just cracks me up!! I´ll send a picture of her and I! She´s such a cutie! Friday was the day we got the call. President Deere told me I was going to be leaving to Alicante to be with Hermana P!! I was really excited! I love that girl! He says, he knows we´re both young, but that he knows we can have great success.  That part of the mission is known for it´s baptisms - it will definitely be different than here. That morning we had a cita set, but the guy blew us off... so we went to go follow up on a future named A. We knocked on his door and no one answered - I had hoped that he hadn´t given us a fake address. As we were going down the stairs, a dog was coming up! We petted it and then a man came up the stairs and it was him!! He told us his sister lived next door so we met her and she is just the sweetest lady ever. She has 2 (granddaughters) but she raises them because their mother died when she was twenty. They are the greatest family and in my opinion - very prepared! Such a miracle.. I hope good things happen with them! Saturday was an interesting day! We got peed on by a dog... pretty gross. We visited A and her family and this time her younger granddaughter was there. She is really cute and while we were talking, they soaked up Every WORD. I haven´t really felt the spirit lead a lesson like that before. We were teaching a lesson zero - which is basically just telling them why we were there, and what they would learn. A brought up that her daughter had died and it was because of heart problems. We went into the Plan of Salvation and when we asked how she felt... she said she felt happy, and peaceful. She said the last time we came (which was the first time we met her) when we said the prayer, she felt really good - and that she thinks God sent us there for a reason. It´s a miracle to know them and I´m so excited to hear what happens with them! Sunday I bore my testimony and I was crying (no surprise really) but I think people thought I was super, super, sad to leave, which I am, but I cry whenever I bea my testimony ya know?! They were all really sweet. Sunday night we went to P and JA’s to say goodbye. The kids just made me the happiest! They were cuddling with me (don´t worry, I was keeping all the rules) well... almost. G (who is 4) gave me a BIG BESITO on the cheek. It was really funny, and I could not stop laughing!

This has been my crazy week!! Full of Miracles... like every day on the mission! I am so grateful I was able to spend my first 3 months in Huelva. It´s taught me to be grateful for the small things.

Mucho Amor!!!!!!
Hermana Sara Brown