Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Semana Santa!! (April 21, 2014)

Semana Santa!!
Wow... what a crazy week. I feel like it went by SO fast, but then Monday seems like it was a year ago!! I feel like my weeks are kind of like up and down... but there are always little miracles that makes everything better!!
Monday we went and played volleyball. I was really careful, and had a LOT of fun! We played as districts - so, Elder Skousen (who played club and high school) was on the other team. He hit it so hard, and I tried to dig. (Sometimes worked out better than others) Before the game was over, my arms had little bruises all over them. It was a lot of fun though. After, we were in our house and S called us!! We were SO happy that everything was okay with him. He said he could see us, then he called us a little later and said he actually couldn´t. We tried to see M and F, but both of them failed us. The only thing we ended up doing was going to noche de hogar and heard a message about service. It was really good.
Tuesday morning we had zone conference. I must admit, I really miss Elder R as a zone leader. The new one is great, but it just isn´t the same without R. That afternoon, we were able to see M 1. He was one of the people Hna. Nielsen and I contacted the first week she was here.  When we saw him this week, he was doing great. We taught him about agency and how we receive blessings. He said he would read and pray - he seemed to be doing a lot better. Then we went to english class and had a fun lesson. We played a game with opposites then played telephone. I just love the people in my class - I´m going to miss them. Then we went to R´s with E. We got there quite late, and we were going to watch a dvd with them, but they couldn´t get it to work. 
Wednesday we saw F and he is just so much happier!! We talked to him and instead of asking if he has received an answer, we asked if he believed that the Book of Mormon is true. He said YES!! After, we saw A. She was just as cute as ever. She told us that she is in love with her therapest. ´´QuĂ© guapo´´ she says! So cute.. she is just my favorite person ever. As we left the piso that afternoon, we were talking about Hna. Read´s sandals and how we hope they don´t break because she doesn´t have any money to buy new ones. About 5 minutes later, her sandal broke. We went to one lady´s house named R. She said she doesn´t really want to listen to us, so I said ´´if you don´t want us to come, we wont - we just want to leave this with you.´´ She said, ´´no no you can come whenever you would like.´´ She contradicted herself quite a bit our doorway conversation. It was pretty interesting. Then we went to ask A if she had a stapler and she said no, but she ended up giving Hna. Read new sandals. So nice! We ended up walking SO MUCH that afternoon, no one was home! We finally ended up seeing E and as we began talking to her, one of her fish died. We helped her clean the tank, and then her other fish started dying. She was super sad ): We also cooked dinner for her, it was a little bit of a disaster. But it ended up tasting good.
Thursday we ate with the R's. It was super yummy, and a ton of food. We had yucha, potatoes and meat! That afternoon, we saw M 1 and had a great lesson with him. He accepted a baptismal date and said he would work hard for it. Then we saw Andreia finally. She is doing pretty good, picking up work here and there! Then we taught english class, then headed to R´s again. We brought up his baptism, and he said ´´I´m not getting baptized, I´ve already been baptized´´ It was a little bit of a rough lesson. But it´s alright, E told him that he needed to pray with faith to know if these things are true! She is progressing so much!
Friday we saw J and explained a little bit about Family History. Then we saw S!! Yay! I was so happy to see him. He said he has a little problem, but he didn´t say what it was. We talked to him and he started to open up again. He said he wasn´t going to come to church though. ): Then we saw E and C. They fed us homemade pasta! It was DELICIOUS but they gave me so much. That night we saw D and A. They said that they both read, but neither of them prayed. They were really cute about it. After, we saw E and asked her if she thought the things we were saying were true. Then we invited her to be baptized and she said YES!! 
Saturday morning was the baptism of the Russians. It was a beautiful baptism. It was in a few different languages, but the spirit was SUPER strong. Like I said, the Hermanas sang a song and it was really pretty. We didn´t have much time to practice it, but it sounded good. Then that evening we saw E. We talked to her about authority and invited her to be baptized and she said yes!! She is super cute and I wish we saw her more. Then we saw S and he accepted a different date for his baptism. then we saw D and A and they both said they would be baptized when they knew it was right!! It was a great way to end the week!
Sunday we walked to church with S, C and their friend. S liked it a lot I think. I was really glad to hear that. S also came, H had called him Saturday to invite him. 

Well it was a good week!! We got some work ahead of us and I am excited!! 
I love my mission - It´s the best thing in the world.

Hermana Brown

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