Monday, January 13, 2014


January 13, 2014

So this was the first week of the transfer and I have loved every second of it!!!
My new district is.. Elder F and he is training Elder N,  Elder D and Elder G and me and Hermana N.  It´s been fun, I don´t know Elder N too well yet, but I will soon!
So last P-day was a festivo!! Super bad... everything was closed! But we got e-mailing done, and bought some water at least. We ate at Subway! (I have been craving it for a while now) Definitely not as good as the one in Gunnison, but it was alright.  On our way to a chino, Hna. P like collapsed. She was breathing really hard and I told her to calm down and slow down. She said she couldn´t control it. Neighbors were coming out, and one lady was saying she was going to call the ambulance. Hna P said it was fine, and then she calmed down. It was like a panic attack. The elders came and we just sat there for a while until she calmed down. Then we went to say goodbye to some people and they wrote in Hna. P´s journal, then we went to the R's for FHE. It was a super good lesson about pride. I loved it. I learned so much that I didn´t think was related to pride. 

Tuesday we went to visit a few members that Hna P wanted to see.
We saw E.. We talked to her a little, and she said, ´´I know this church is true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God. If I feel like I need to go on a mission after my baptism, I will”.  Super cool!! She´s so great! (: We saw A and she just cried when she hugged Hna. P. We were supposed to eat with M and L, but they forgot. After medio-dia, we went to E´s and had her write in Hna´s journal. Then we had correlation, but our mission leader decided he just wanted to have a testimony meeting.   Then we had English class then Family home evening. After FHE we talked with the missionaries and then got Kebab.  We walked back home and said goodbye to Elder E because he was leaving in the morning earlier than everyone else. It was really sad. I cried when we walked away from him. 

Wednesday we went to the bus station and so many missionaries were there. Almost all .. from our zone.
A, a member from ward one and E were there to say goodbye too! We said goodbye, then I went with the SHE´s. We went to their house. (which is SUPER nice) to study, then we went to some lessons. I love teaching with Hna C. I can understand some things that Hna. Johnson learned from her! Then I went to eat with them at a member´s house. It was a lot of fun to be with them. Then they brought me back to my piso and T stayed with me until we went to the station to pick up Hna. N. After bringing her suitcases back to the piso, we went to meet E. She was really in a good mood and connected super fast with Hna. N. We invited her to English class and she said that she´ll come if we walked with her. Then we went to eat at A’s. She is a member and one of the ward missionaries. We ate hot dog things and then chocolate. Her daughter drove us home so that was nice! 

Thursday we had weekly planning. Then we went to pick up my package from Pono. Guess what! i had to pay 33 euros for it. But he sent me a watch. It´s really cute! I´ll take a picture of it and send it to you. I love it. After that, we went to A´s and shared Helaman 5:12. We fed off each other super well... it was great and A loved it. Then we stopped by B’s (investigator with 3 kids that are investigators too) We taught L1 with one of the kids. She is a talker, but she knows tons about the Bible. Then we came back to pick up E for English class. We showed her around the chapel and then had the class. She said she liked it, and wants to come again on Tuesday. After that we went to see if we could see G. She was home, but really different. We talked to her and asked how things were. She said she is good, but really tired. When we asked her to offer the prayer she said no, that she isn´t herself and she can´t. I just want to cry. I don´t know what to do about her. 
Friday we had zone meeting. Hna R is in my zone!!!!! I love her so much! We talked lots and she is just super cute! I´ll have to take a picture with her soon! Then HNA JOHNSON walked in and I went and gave her a super big hug!!!
She gave me a little present from Marta and Gonzolo and their parents, and gave me a hug from everyone in Huelva. We sat by each other in the conference and someone handed me a hymn book and I didn´t look up to see who it was. Then Hna Johnson said, “Did you see Elder Nunez?´´  I freaked out!! I was so excited to see him! We talked after the conference for a little bit, and then went to Dominos. The SHEs had a cita so they couldn´t come :( but Elder Núñez and I talked for a long time about everything that is going on! On our way back from Dominos we got stopped by a man who asked who we were. He said he wanted to know more. His name is I. After medio-dia we went to see R. She is one of our new investigators, but she is really sick. She laid  in bed and we brought her yogurt and her pills and water. Then she said to go make us some hot chocolate. It was a little awkward, but still great! She is a sweet heart. She offered us a key to her house haha... we´ll just have to ask her neighbor to let us in.  After, we RAN to our cita with M and L. We invited the zone leaders so we could ´´pass them off´´ We had a great lesson. Then after, we explained that the elders would be teaching them. M was a little sad and thought it was because they were a little ´´difficult´´ We explained that that wasn´t the reason at all.. then L said, ´´when you come into a home, you come into a heart.´´ It was a little hard, but we had to do it. After that, we went to E´s. She didn´t read from Ether, so we read with her. We stopped at vs. 6 and I shared a little bit. I said that I´ve had things happen in my life that was a ´´trial of my faith´´ I then went on to say that something happened to me when I was just a little girl. After, E said, ´´wow, I didn´t know that happened to you. That happened to me too.´´ She opened up to us and started to cry. We asked her to be baptized, and she accepted a date of Feb. 8!! I´m excited to work with her.

Saturday we had a lesson with C. She had moved her ´´site´´ but we found her. We taught a little more about L1 and proper authority. She accepted the date of Feb. 8th too! We have got to work with her and help her get to church. After medio-dia, we had a lesson with I, (the one who contacted us on Friday). We taught a L0 and Book of Mormon. He enjoyed it, and asked if he could actually have the Book of Mormon in English. He asked, ´´that´s what it was first translated in right?!´´ he´s great! I love him already. After his lesson was the baptism of E!!!! Whooooo.
She looked gorgeous. I cried when she came out of the water with a huge smile on her face!! I´m so happy for her. She really changed her life around! I stayed for the baptism and he said he really liked it. I played the piano, so I didn´t get to talk to him much, but Hna. N talked and explained a lot. After the baptism we went to teach MC and MR. MR had so many questions, we want to see her by herself so we can actually have time to teach MC. After the lesson, MR told me that my Spanish is SO MUCH BETTER!! It made me so happy!!

Sunday was great! even though I didn´t come to church, it was a great day. In sacrament, I translated for this family who is from Philipines. They only speak a little English, but that was really fun. After church we saw a few people, and then went with the Elder´s to give A the sacrament. She looked really good! I hope she is doing better!

This week was great! We´ve seen miracle after miracle. I love the diligence of Hna. N. We are already great friends! I´m so happy!
Today we should have a bunch of people come to the FHE tonight! It should be great!!
Hermana Sara Brown

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