Monday, November 18, 2013


November 18, 2013

Happy Monday loved ones!
Well this week has probably been my favorite one yet! We´ve witnessed so many miracles and seen so many people be touched by the spirit. It´s really a feeling that I can´t describe, and something that I hope EVERYONE can feel!
Well... I had my first baptism this week!! Oh man, you don´t know how great it was to write that. Not because ´´whooo... I got a baptism´´ but because the Lord was able to work through me, to bring someone unto Him. The feeling I felt as ‘N’ went into the water was indescribable - I felt so happy, and I know she did too! (she came up laughing out of the water) 

So Monday.. nothing really special happened this day! But Tuesday we had district meeting and then had KEBOB after!! (: I was so happy!!! Then we played this zombie board game, where you build the board as you go.. it was pretty fun! Hermana ‘J’ won! Later that night, we went to Valverde with some sisters from the ward. We began our lesson the normal way, and asked how reading and praying was going! ‘N’ said, ´´I had an experience with my prayers´´. After she was finished praying, she said she felt a feeling in her chest of peace. Oh it was so amazing, the spirit was so strong there and she knew it was true. We asked if she was going to be baptized this Saturday, and she said yes! Then we talked to ‘G’ about how he was. He said he has doubts.. about Jesus Christ. He doesn´t believe that someone could be resurrected – I felt bad for him, because I think he was a little overwhelmed.  But he was very good about it, and I´m glad that both of them were so honest. Better to hear doubts now than the day of the baptism, or after. We taught them the word of wisdom, and both the kids said they would follow. ‘N’ is SO PREPARED. She has such an amazing testimony of the church and is stronger than a lot of people in the ward!!
On our way home from the lesson, the women were so funny!! ‘P’ cracks me up!! (she is the mother of two ADORABLE kids).

Wednesday we bought things for ‘N’s baptism. We got her a little picture album and we´re going to have people write things and put pictures in it too. We went to visit ‘N’ and ‘C’ before going out to Valverde and the lesson was interupted by POURING RAIN!! ‘N’ was a little distracted... after the lesson, Hna ‘J’ and I just played in it before getting on the bus! We were holding an umbrella, but not over our heads! People thought we were so crazy.. they said ´´Use your umbrella´´ and ´´you´re getting wet´´ it was fun! They were probably right though, because after that... we were FREEZING!!! 

The lesson with the M´s went well though.. We went through the baptismal questions with ‘N’. We asked her the first one ´´do you believe God is our Eternal Father´´ her response ´´Yo, creo que sí - porque...... (goes on to tell us the plan of salvation and in detail)´´ this girl is seriously amazing! She has a strong, strong testimony of the gospel. We went through the questions and then we get to one and Hna ‘J’ says.. ´´You probably don´t have a problem with this one, but have you ever committed a serious crime?´´ and ‘N’ says, ´´one time yeah´´  ´´when I was 6... I stole some gum´´ She is so funny!! I love her so much! (; Thursday we ate with ‘RM’ and ‘A’! They are such good people!! I hope they move to Utah!!!! They really, really want to! After our lesson with ‘M’, we went back to ‘RM´s and made the baptism program and our rice bags - then we had dinner with ‘MA’. It was hamburgers and they were AWESOME!! She´s so great (:  Friday we basically just got things ready for the baptism! Saturday was the big day!!!! We had breakfast with ‘C’ and ‘M’. We made them an American breakfast in return for picking us up from Valverde! We made pancakes, and we wanted to make puffed-ups but they didn´t have an oven ): Then we practiced our musical number. We sang Nearer my God to Thee, with ‘RM’. She sang soprano, I sang alto and Hna J sang tenor. It was good! ‘N’ looked beautiful today!! (: She is so amazing, I just can´t even tell you enough!
At the end of the baptism, her mom bore her testimony and it was BEAUTIFUL. She cried and the spirit was SO strong. Saturday was so so so amazing!

Sunday was also full of miracles! We were waiting by the door and a few primary kids came in, that don´t usually come! We took them up to primary and coming up the stairs was the ENTIRE ‘M’ family!! That means the husband joined them! (: It was so cool to see them together in the church! (: Also, ‘G’ brought one of his friends, ‘E’ (from Czech Republic) and we took her with us to Relief Society. She´s really cute! Probably the biggest miracle was seeing ‘C’ walk in to Relief Society with a big smile on her face. I teared up because I was so so so happy. She told us she was going to try to come, but I didn´t know if she actually would. She wants to change, and I think she´s going to!
This week was amazing, and the feelings I had, I can´t even put into words. 
Missionary work is so cool!! I am so grateful that I have this opportunity!
I love the gospel. I love the simplicity. I love the power of the Holy Ghost. I love my Savior.
I love you all so much!!
Hermana Sara Brown

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