Thursday, July 3, 2014

What?? A New Nephew? I didn't even know anyone was expecting! (May 26, 2014)

What a surprise!!! (: That is so fun! I was really excited and I could actually freak out when I saw it because we´re in the church emailing today!! How cool, I can´t believe you guys kept it from me that long! Well, I guess it´s pretty easy, because we never really get the chance to talk. But how great! I´m so excited to have that cute little black haired nephew! (: 
Well this week was pretty good, it was a little crazy - but good!
Monday after emailing, we just came home and hung out. There was nothing really going on, so we just stayed home. Then we went to go see our ´creepy´ investigator Pedro. He is in LOVE with Hna. Grant. It was a really awkward lesson. He bought us ice cream, and then just talked and talked. Also, when I asked him what he expected from our visits, he said, ´´well, I hope only one of you will come next time.´´ He is a creep and I don´t really enjoy teaching him. We´re probably going to give him to the elders. After him, we went and saw MªLuisa. She didn´t have much time, so we kind of just taught her in the doorway. 
Tuesday morning we had to go the bus station to stay with Hna. Morris. We said goodbye to Hna. Childers (she was really happy to be leaving) and then Hna. Morris came with us.(she was also glad Hna. Childers was leaving.) Then Hna. Morris came with us to district meeting and then we went back to the bus station to pick up Hna. Samuelson (who is the daughter of Hna. Grant) So that´s fun to have her in Málaga. That evening, we saw Alfonzo, our investigator, he just talked and talked and talked. And our member who came with us started fighting with him. Awkward. Then we went and saw Gladys. She is a member and super cute. I love her already. We should be seeing her a lot, because her husband recently moved to a different country for work. Then I finally met our investigator who is progressing the most. He is Hakim. He is from Moracco. He reminds me a lot of Samír. That makes me really happy. He is having a hard time letting go of coffee, but we´re workin on it.
Wednesday appearantly I got a new nephew. (: Also, we a had a pretty good day. We saw MªLuisa and when we talked to her she brought up her baptism. She said, ´´wait, I haven´t bought my bikini yet´´. So funny, she is about 65 years old, and a little gordita (chubby) and just a funny person. I love her a lot. After, we were able to see my favorite. Loli. She is a less-active that is 88. She was happy to see us, even though we went right after her visiting teachers left her house. It´s alright though, she lives alone, so I´m sure she enjoys the company. That evening, we saw an investigator named Veronica! She is really having a hard time. We taught a pretty powerful lesson I thought. It went great I think. Then we went to teach english class, and then went to noche de hogar. In english class, we teach a gay guy and he was telling us that he wants to move to the united states and work illegally. It was interesting, and we didn´t really know how to handle it. A new less-active came to noche de hogar and we got to meet her. She let us walk her home, then we talked with her there. It was great. She is really cute.
Thursday we ate with Alicia. She fed us pasta stuff that was pretty good.  Then we went up to see Edith. She is another investigator that has been in the hospital. She didn´t really want to see us, so we just shared a quick message and left. Then we saw Gilbert and Jhannet. I love those two. We did find out that they aren´t married. ): They aren´t really planning on it for a while either. But we´ll see what changes when they know that this is the truth. They promised that they´ll come to church on the 1st. I hope so.
Friday I felt really sick, we went out - but ended up coming back. My stomach hurt and I needed to rest. I felt a little better the next day. That evening we saw Sergio. He is a less-active who is a psycologist. I like him a lot. He is really focused when we talk to him. Then we went to see MªLuisa and her girl that takes care of her said she couldn´t see us, so we talked to her. Her name is Daisy and she is a little nuts. She likes the book of Mormon though, so that´s good. She is from Poland so her english isn´t great, but she has some great stories. Then we saw Hakím. He is still drinking coffee. But the lesson went well.
Saturday was a very long day of walking and not really finding anything. But we ate with Kleuska. She´s the return missionary that always accompanies us. It was alright, just pasta - but a lot of it. Then that evening, we saw a few people. Our lesson with MªLuisa was good, she started to cry. 
Sunday was alright, we didn´t really do much. I had to bear my testimony in church - the members were really nice. A lot of them came up to me after and told me they enjoyed it. It made me happy. This month coming up is the Month of Invitations. So we decided to make cookies for all the members and bring them to their houses with a little invitation. It will be cute. I´m excited. 
These next few weeks are going to be tiring. But it will be great. We haven´t done any intercambios yet, and these next three weeks, we will be doing 2 a week - I´m a little nervous, but it should be good. 
I love you - I am so happy that we´re getting more people in our family. Now there are a few who will be close-ish to the age of my kids!! Tell everyone to have more kids! (: (:
Hermana Brown

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